Being on the way

Countryside of Catalonia, Spain, summer 2012, doing morning meditation before taking the road towards Dali's Triangle.
Countryside of Catalonia, Spain, summer 2012, I’m practising morning meditation before taking the road towards Salvador Dali’s Triangle.

John Main was a Benedictine monk (1926-1986) who brought back and taught to the West the tradition of the contemplative way of silent prayer. His writings are a source of incredible inspiration, reflection and meaning.

“The marvel of the Christian revelation is that God is love and that is what our meditation is about: getting into touch with that basic energy of creation flowing in the depths of our heart, our own being, the energy who is God, who is love. This is an astonishing truth.

In the hearts of each of one of us, in the depths of our own being, is to be found the source of endless, infinite love and this is the love that casts out all our fear and in casting it out enables us to become ourselves, to be the person we are called to be. To abandon all our energies and all our defences and to become ourselves, we have simply to put ourselves in full contact with this power, with this energy, that we call love.”  (Extract from The Door to  Silence)

Being in the present, still and silent for experiencing God’s presence and ultimately love summarizes my practice of Christian Meditation.  By being in the present any worries, anxiety and fears subside and I come to understand what is said in the Scriptures:

Set your mind in God’s kingdom and His justice before everything else and all the rest will come to you as well. Do not be anxious about tomorrow. Tomorrow will look after itself. Matt. 6:33-34

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